Our activities at a glance

13 articles
Landschaft mit Icons zu KI und Klima

New study: How the potential of AI can be utilised to reduce the impact of climate change on Switzerland

Press releases Energy and environment Artificial Intelligence

How artificial intelligence is influencing cyber security

Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence

Forum on the integration of AI and cobots: Experts discuss future developments at the Second Swiss Robotics Forum in Biel/Bienne

Advanced Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence

Swiss Energy Data Space - Interview with Matthias Galus

Energy and environment Artificial Intelligence

AI to Mitigate Climate-Change-Impact on Swiss Society and Economy

Energy and environment Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence: Are we on the brink of a new era?

Artificial Intelligence

AI Policy Summit 2023: Shaping the Future of Global AI Governance

Artificial Intelligence

Comprehensive revision of the Federal Act on the Electronic Patient Record: SATW statement

Digitalisation Digital self-determination Artificial Intelligence

Is democracy threatened by artificial intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence

SAIROP: Swiss Artificial Intelligence Research Overview Platform

Digital World Press releases Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence vs COVID-19

Artificial Intelligence

Euro-CASE Conference 2018: The Afternoon

Digitalisation Artificial Intelligence

Euro-CASE Conference 2018: The Morning

Digitalisation Artificial Intelligence