Erich Windhab: Pioneer of food technology at the SATW
SATWFurther topics
Newly elected individual members 2022
SATWFurther topics
Statement of CAETS on the invasion of Ukraine
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Statement of the European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering
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Investigating the role of harvesting on beany flavour development in peas
Approved projects
Regulated digestion of protein-rich dietary fibre mixtures from by-products of cereal, oilseed, fruit and vegetable processing in Switzerland (ReVeN-CH)
Approved projects
Minimisation of astringency in plant-based milk alternatives through a two-phase drinking system
Approved projects
Innovative biovalorisation of secondary-product wheat bran for improving processability and end product quality in cold extrusion.
Approved projects
Approved projects
Food chain model for sustainable food chains and food waste prevention
Approved projects
Bringing industrial biotechnology to the next level with blockchain technology
Winners of the NTN Innovation Booster Ideation Campaign «Green, clean and smart plastic materials for food packaging»
Advanced Manufacturing
Changes in SATW's Executive Committee
SATWFurther topics
Sitem-insel School: reshaping blended learning
Further topics
Personnel change at SATW
SATWFurther topics
Data, New Technologies, and Global Imbalances: Beyond the Obvious