Secure data exchange: legal basis and practical tools
A sober look at the myth of AI: the impact of artificial intelligence on humans
A realistic look at the AI myth: AI in medical technology – a curse or a blessing?
Swiss Energy Data Space - Interview with Matthias Galus
A realistic look at the AI myth: Dog paints picture – who does it belong to?
People as a success factor in the digitalisation of industrial processes
We mourn the loss of Prof Dr Niklaus Wirth
Comprehensive revision of the Federal Act on the Electronic Patient Record: SATW statement
Data change our social structure
Bringing industrial biotechnology to the next level with blockchain technology
Data, New Technologies, and Global Imbalances: Beyond the Obvious
Comprehensible data quality: Important criteria for the reuse of research data
Comprehensive data quality: success factor for Open Science
Understanding Data as a New Form of Capital
Euro-CASE Conference 2018: The Afternoon
Euro-CASE Conference 2018: The Morning