Our publications at a glance

60 articles

The surprising prosperity of Switzerland

Further topics

SATW Forum "Defossilisation of the Swiss chemical industry - shaping the future"

Energy and environment

Wanted! These technical professions are looking for you!

Technoscope Technology education

Innovation strength analysis 2024: Strategies for an innovative Switzerland

Landschaft mit Icons zu KI und Klima

How to use the power of AI to reduce the impact of climate change on Switzerland

Energy and environment Artificial Intelligence
[Translate to English:] Transformation Energiesystem zentral dezentral

Future visions and technologies for distribution grids

Energy and environment Foresight
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Factsheet Security of supply: Will the shelves still be full tomorrow?

Security of supply Food

How safe do Swiss internet users feel in the cyberspace?

Die Schweiz symbolisch von oben

Swiss National Cyberstrategy (NCS): A Quantitative Assessment of the Cybersecurity Research Landscape

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Management Summary Technology Outlook

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Nuclear energy technologies: overview of current status and development

Energy and environment
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The challenge of data: Between business, research and data protection

Digital self-determination
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Framework for interdisciplinary projects in the context of "Industrie 4.0"

Advanced Manufacturing
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Human factor and digitalisation in manufacturing SMEs

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Analysis of the innovative strength of Swiss industry: an update

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Study «Emerging Technology Domains»


Technology Outlook 2021


Panorama 2020

SATW Further topics

Dependency and complexity

Cybersecurity Map

Cloud Computing

Cybersecurity Map