Our publications at a glance

55 articles
[Translate to English:] Transformation Energiesystem zentral dezentral

Future visions and technologies for distribution grids

Energy and environment Foresight
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Factsheet Security of supply: Will the shelves still be full tomorrow?

Security of supply Food

How safe do Swiss internet users feel in the cyberspace?

Die Schweiz symbolisch von oben

Swiss National Cyberstrategy (NCS): A Quantitative Assessment of the Cybersecurity Research Landscape

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Management Summary Technology Outlook

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Nuclear energy technologies: overview of current status and development

Energy and environment
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The challenge of data: Between business, research and data protection

Digital self-determination
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Framework for interdisciplinary projects in the context of "Industrie 4.0"

Advanced Manufacturing
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Human factor and digitalisation in manufacturing SMEs

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Analysis of the innovative strength of Swiss industry: an update

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Study «Emerging Technology Domains»


Technology Outlook 2021


Panorama 2020

Further topics

Dependency and complexity

Cybersecurity Map

Cloud Computing

Cybersecurity Map

Digital Assets / Cryptocurrencies

Cybersecurity Map

Digitisation / e-government

Cybersecurity Map

Distributed Ledger Technology

Cybersecurity Map

Artificial Intelligence

Cybersecurity Map Artificial Intelligence

Quantum computing

Cybersecurity Map