With the constant advance in technological development come new cybersecurity challenges. SATW has developed a Cybersecurity Map to help decision-makers in government and business locate areas where action is needed. This categorises technological developments from a cybersecurity perspective and helps build Swiss resilience to cyberattacks.


Technological developments: Overview by need for action

Technological developments are divided into three categories: decision-making, regulation and investment. There is a detailed factsheet and set of recommendations by the SATW Advisory Board Cybersecurity for each technological development.

This overview helps inform decisions that will increase cybersecurity in Switzerland.

Working together for a cybersecure Switzerland

Make use of our expert network to get support in formulating political proposals, planning events or acquiring knowledge about the latest technological developments in cybersecurity. Just complete the form and we will put you in touch with a suitable expert. Together we can make Switzerland a more cybersecure place and we will be happy to help!

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Factsheets Cybersecurity Map


Dependency and complexity

Cybersecurity Map

Quantum computing

Cybersecurity Map

Cloud Computing

Cybersecurity Map

Data Protection

Cybersecurity Map

Categories of the SATW Cybersecurity Map

Decision-making: Decision-making covers the process of opinion formation and arriving at a decision. The aim is to find a consensus and define a shared direction. In the context of technological developments, decision-making comprises the setting of goals and priorities as well as the creation of parameters that facilitate implementation of these goals. It involves various players, such as political decision-makers, companies, scientists and society as a whole. Successful decision-making requires open dialogue and comprehensive participation by all relevant stakeholders.

Regulation: Applied to cybersecurity, regulation means creating rules and requirements to protect data and systems against cyberattack. It can take place at a variety of levels, ranging from national legislation to international standards. Typical examples include protecting critical infrastructure, minimum standards for networked devices, Cloud security and disclosure of data privacy breaches. Companies are required to implement appropriate security measures and to better prepare themselves for attacks so they can avoid data loss and disruptions to operations. Regulation is capable of increasing confidence in digitalisation and of improving security levels.

Investment: State investment in cybersecurity aims to guarantee that information is secure and data and systems are protected against cyberattack. Examples include setting up cybersecurity centres, supporting research programmes and providing training for security experts. The aim is to increase security levels in the country, minimise damage and manage threats more effectively. This will increase confidence in a digital future and enhance the country’s competitiveness.