I have learned for myself that I should never give up pursuing my goals and that I can achieve them if I really want to.
Tamina, participant
The tailor-made programme included a variety of workshops offered by companies such as Johnson & Johnson, ABB and Hamilton and research institutes such as the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden. The topics ranged from virtual reality and smartphone technology to autonomous driving and robotics in medical technology. An excursion to Brienz/Brinzauls showed the girls the effects of natural forces and the use of state-of-the-art technologies to solve problems.
It's always great to discuss the future with the leaders of tomorrow. My passion for sustainable innovation was matched only by the curiosity and motivation of the girls.
Jamie Townsend, workshop leader (Movinno)
The camp week centered on key experiences for the participants that will shape and inspire them in the long term, as well as their first points of contact with the world of technology and the Swiss TecLadies Network. After the camp, all girls have the opportunity to join the network and benefit from the expertise and experience of its more than 500 members. Further camps are being planned so that many more girls can benefit from this programme in 2025.
By organising the camp on the campus of the Bündner Kantonsschule, we made a great STEM support programme possible in south-eastern Switzerland that appeals to girls the same age as our pupils. This also gave interested girls from the canton of Graubünden the opportunity to attend such a programme in their area without having to travel far.
Philippe Benguerel, Rector of Bündner Kantonsschule