technology for society

As the most important network of experts for the engineering sciences in Switzerland, our goal is to further enhance Switzerland’s leading position in this field, and to help ensure that findings are translated into technologies and innovations for the benefit of the economy and society.


Upcoming events

Strategien für eine innovative Schweiz

Strategien für eine innovative Schweiz

Foresight 09:00
Processed Food im Fokus: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für unsere Gesundheit

Processed Food im Fokus: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für unsere Gesundheit

Food 16:00



How can we safeguard the health of 10 million people in Switzerland and 10 billion worldwide, while ensuring they have nutritious food?

Security of supply Food Further topics

A realistic look at the AI myth: Automated cars injure pedestrians - what now?

Autonomous mobility Artificial Intelligence

How can a smooth defossilisation of the Swiss chemical sector be achieved?

Energy and environment

The SATW Sustainable Manufacturing Expert Group: Pathways to a sustainable industry

Advanced Manufacturing Energy and environment

Our next events

TecDay meets Swiss NanoConvention

TecDay meets Swiss NanoConvention

TecDays Technology education 09:45

Congress Center Basel

Cybersicherheit für KMU einfach erklärt

Cybersicherheit für KMU einfach erklärt

Cybersecurity 13:30

Cinématte, Bern

Strategien für eine innovative Schweiz

Strategien für eine innovative Schweiz Foresight 09:00

Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zürich, Eventraum / SOC-E-010

Processed Food im Fokus: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für unsere Gesundheit

Processed Food im Fokus: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für unsere Gesundheit

Food 16:00

Kraftwerk, Selnaustrasse 25, 8001 Zürich

Our latest publications


Future visions and technologies for distribution grids

[Translate to English:] Transformation Energiesystem zentral dezentral
This publication is a collaboration between the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) and the National Center of Competence in Research Automation (NCCR Automation). It aims...

Factsheet Security of supply: Will the shelves still be full tomorrow?

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Empty shelves in the supermarkets? Given the abundance of food, it's hard to imagine. But for Switzerland in particular, it is becoming more challenging to secure supplies - the...

How safe do Swiss internet users feel in the cyberspace?

The digital landscape is constantly changing, and with it comes a growing need to be aware of internet and online shopping safety. The final report 2023: Security on the Internet &...

Swiss National Cyberstrategy (NCS): A Quantitative Assessment of the Cybersecurity Research Landscape

The National Strategy for the Protection of Switzerland against Cyber Risks (NCS) emphasises the essential role of cybersecurity research in promoting Switzerland's resilience to...

Management Summary Technology Outlook

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Nuclear energy technologies: overview of current status and development

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The challenge of data: Between business, research and data protection

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Framework for interdisciplinary projects in the context of "Industrie 4.0"

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Human factor and digitalisation in manufacturing SMEs

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Analysis of the innovative strength of Swiss industry: an update

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Study «Emerging Technology Domains»

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Project report as part of the "Food 4.0" initiative of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences.

Technology Outlook 2021

SATW in numbers


Full members


Member Organisations



