Artificial intelligence (AI) enables a vast number of new possibilities in all areas of life, but also introduces new challenges. The SATW priority programme Artificial Intelligence aims to help Switzerland play a leading role in the development and application of AI. The programme connects key players in AI - particularly researchers - and raises political and public awareness of the opportunities and challenges of AI.



A realistic look at the AI myth: Automated cars injure pedestrians - what now?

Autonomous mobility Artificial Intelligence
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A realistic look at the AI myth: Robodog injures jogger - what now?

Artificial Intelligence

Developing appropriate measures to exploit the opportunities and minimise the risks of AI will require a broad public dialogue in which all societal and economic factors are considered. This is an area where SATW is making an important contribution.

Thomas Schneider, Vice-Director OFCOM and Chair of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) of the Council of Europe

CLAIRE office Switzerland’s collaboration with SATW is crucial for jointly identifying relevant technological developments and expertise in the field of artificial intelligence. Developing the SAIROP platform has enabled us to provide the Swiss and European community with reliable information on this ever-changing field.

Ricardo Chavarriaga, Head of the CLAIRE Office Switzerland

Swiss AI Research Overview Platform (SAIROP)

Explore the Swiss research landscape in the field of artificial intelligence and discover research groups working with AI as well as current events or research projects on the topic.

To the SAIROP website



Artificial Intelligence

Cybersecurity Map Artificial Intelligence
[Translate to English:]

Recommendations for an AI Strategy in Switzerland

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Topical Platform

The Artificial Intelligence Topical Platform identifies the Swiss industrial sectors in which AI-based methods are already being adequately used, where there are shortfalls and how these shortfalls can be rectified so that the country can remain competitive or develop new competitive advantages.

To the Artificial Intelligence Topical Platform


 Manuel Kugler

Manuel Kugler

Data & AI Programme Manager / Advanced Manufacturing